Apply For Your FREE MEDITATION DIAGNOSIS With Dr. Cody Today!
Know exactly how to apply neurofeedback mediation via an online video chat, personally with me, Cody Rall MD. Join my program to become a cool, calm and focused individual and a rockstar in your industry.
Application required, not everyone will be a good fit. Nearly always a waiting list so apply now.
You’re stressed. I get it. Overstimulated, overworked and struggling to balance family and professional life. Maybe you’re in good physical shape and you have a good education. But that true emotional stability and a powerful spiritual connection eludes you.
As a licensed mental health professional, I see it all the time. People turn to drugs, sex, social media, and other mindless addictive habits just to quiet their mind. They yell at their family members or work colleagues and have unexpected outbursts of anxiety or anger. Merely suggesting that they try meditation is often not enough. People most often never commit to getting this area of their life handled.
Most people try a little meditation here or there. But the never hit that powerful shift that literally makes them addicted to meditation. They never stick to a program of meditation due to doubt that it will work. They doubt that they are doing it right. They doubt that it’s worth their time. They sit down and either become bored or anxious. They wonder “is this what meditation is supposed to be?”
It took me years of meditative practice before I was able to start having good sessions regularly.
But that was even before we had these powerful neurofeedback meditation devices. Used in the right way, these things can really cut the learning curve drastically. I’ve seen hundreds of people use these devices to drastically improve their meditation in a fraction of the time.
In my younger years, I had little confidence. I started lifting weights to change my physical body and even competed in a few bodybuilding shows. But the emotional control was lacking. I studied as hard as I could to get good grades. But I was liable to headaches, anxiety attacks, lashing out at people and had little patience. I also had trouble socializing with people due to social anxiety and lack of centeredness. By the time I got to medical school, I was on the verge of burnout.
Medical school was a whole new level. There was too much information and I couldn’t calm down. Then, miraculously, one day I had a breakthrough. I read Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and had a spiritual breakthrough. His quote “You are not your Mind” disconnected me from my Ego and put my mind at peace. I WAS FREE! I wasn’t thinking anymore. I was present in the moment! But the experience only a few days. For some reason, whatever spiritual centeredness that I experienced was lost it after about 3 days. In some ways, I was right back where I started.
School and homesickness were only getting worse. I was on the fast track to needing antidepressant medication, but knew about all the side effects and thought there had to be a better way.
Then I discovered meditation. I started mindfulness meditation by staring at a wall without much guidance. It wasn’t much, but it helped. This went on for about 2 years. About 1/20 sessions were actually productive. But it kept me hungry and kept me going. I was progressing through school and new I was on to something. Later on a friend introduced me to an application called Headspace that provided more structure. Now I was making progress and had productive sessions about 1/10th of the time. But, little did I know, there was a whole new level waiting for me…
I was doing videos for my Youtube channel when I discovered EEG technology and started learning more about it. I started meditating regularly with the Muse Headband and did neurofeedback with other devices. I felt like the feedback taught me so much about my mind and the brain. Slowly I started to develop different ways to calibrate the device and use focus points during my meditation to reach whole new levels. It was like I was a cave diver discovering whole new caverns, deeper and deeper below the surface, deep in my subconscious. I was now finding productivity and progress in EVERY SINGLE SESSION.
Since then I’ve had some of the most incredible meditation sessions of my life. My body will literally be vibrating with calm radiant energy. I feel connected to the ground, connected to nature, and peaceful. Sometimes I even need to take a step back and reevaluate my beliefs about the world, as I continue to feel the presence of something infinite, profound and ancient.
As a by-product it has almost complete vaporized my social anxiety and stress levels. I noticed that I was quicker and more focused than most people around me. By being present to the situation and centered, I was able to speak my mind more confidently and clearly. My communication skills shot through the roof, which helped advance my career to whole new levels. Before I knew it, I was collaborating with leaders of the U.S. Department of Defense, Stanford University, and personally hand-picked by the president of my professional organization of over 35,000 professionals to be on an important innovation committee.
Now, I could attribute all this to my hard work and discipline. But I truly feel that regular meditation has been a HUGE factor in allowing me to do all this. It has had a major impact on my decision where to take Techforpsych next…
There were a lot of directions I could have taken Techforpsych. All kinds of offers to be involved in startups, professional organizations, and documentaries. But I decided the most impact I could have at this time was to teach neurofeedback guided meditation to people really serious about taking the next step in their mental development. It was a big pivot to for me, so I wanted to make sure I did it right.
I started slow. I didn’t want to offer a program to people without being sure that it was really going to be a huge paradigm shift for them. First I did a ton of research. I studied at scientific papers supporting neurofeedback. I memorized third-party studies that validated the EEG signal of the Muse Headband and the Emotiv gear. I waited until the right companies with the right gear were ready to allow at-home neurofeedback meditation to be a reality. I gathered my resources and presented my findings in multiple professional conferences for peer feedback.
Once I felt the science was there, I started beta-testing with friends and loved ones. My own brother was a meditation newbie when I started with him. But after using the Muse Headband and going through my exercises, he was ecstatic about the progress and immediately got his girlfriend (now fiancé) to use it regularly as well. It was the first time he felt a full physiological shift with meditation. The kind that leaves you with a feeling of ecstasy that keeps you coming back for more.
Now was the true test. Paying customers. It’s only been a little while… this stuff is brand-spanking new. And I’m happy to say, it’s been a huge success.
Take my past client, Nancy. She runs a coaching and consulting business in corporate America. Nancy came to me with concerns that her stress levels were affecting her relationships with the ones she loved the most. She found herself irritable and snappy with her children. Her clients were emotional wrecks and she was having trouble putting her clientele back together. She had tried Transcendental Meditation and enjoyed the results, but she was looking for something that took her to the next level. We systematically started to explore the Muse Headband Meditation Protocol and combined it with clinical grade neurofeedback from Myndlift.
At first she noticed some improvements in her stress levels. But something really exciting happened this past Thanksgiving. Normally she was on an emotional rollercoaster at her in-laws during this time. But she was ecstatic to tell me that she was incredibly calm and centered the entire time! Her relationship with her children has improved. And her work clients are doing better than ever. Awesome job Nancy!
I really look at meditation as having super powers.
What else makes you emotionally intelligent, centered, confident, focused, fulfilled and spiritually connected at the same time?
Imagine if you had the super-human ability to handle any weird hiccups that came your way during the day. Boss is in a bad mood? No problem, let’s see how we can help. Kids are driving me insane? Okay let’s take a deep breath and manage the situation. Public speaking to advance my career? No problem, when do we start??!!
Imagine if you had such deep and powerful experiences with meditation that you were literally addicted to it. What if you knew that each session was making you stronger, more capable, and was improving the lives of you and your loved ones every time you did it?
What if you could cut the learning curve by years with bleeding edge technology and techniques that the competition knows nothing about? What if people started commenting on how cool, calm and collected you were under stress? How would you respond? What would you tell them? Would you be able to keep from smiling in a huge grin??!
Why am I doing this?
Like I mentioned before, Techforpsych could have gone a lot of directions at this point. But after seeing the change in myself, my friends, my family, and my clients, I decided to take this program to the next level.
On an even grander scale, I secretly believe its the next step in human evolution. We need to start accelerating our ability to learn, by having technology teach us in multiple ways. We already use technology to teach us information intelligence. The revolution of wearables and biometric data is giving us physical intelligence. And now we need technology to inform us about emotional intelligence.
By being a part of this program, you too will become an expert in communicating with technology in a way that no-one else has experienced. Some people call it brain computer interface. I just call it the next step in human development. If we are going to keep up with machine learning and artificial intelligence, it’s a necessary step.
This is really the first step, but it’s a big one. It’s an important one. I’m forming a community of people who are excited about this area and I’d love for you to be a part of it…
How do I apply?
The first step is filling out the survey below to the best of your ability.
I personally review each application and reach out within the next 2-3 days to either schedule a call or send you some resources that might be a better fit.
And if you qualify, we’ll set up a time to chat for 30-45 minutes so that I can hear about your goals, aims and aspirations. I’ll give you a personal 1-on-1 diagnosis for neurofeedback meditation and how I think it might help you. I’ll also other Techforpsych resources that could be of use, or direct you to paradigm shifting books to read as well.
To be honest, Techforpsych is growing fast. I truly feel that this is the right thing for me to do right now and I’m going to put my heart and soul into it at the moment. But there may be other opportunities for me to impact the world that take precedent over this program. Applications are coming in regularly, but I do not have time to work with all of them. Lucky for you, not all of them are qualified. So if you really want to work with me on neurofeedback meditation, now is the time. If you seem like a great pick for the program, I’ll make the extra effort to get you in as quick as possible. I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be doing one-on-one personal coaching for. So fill out an application and hopefully we’ll be working together soon!